Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The final verdict on eyelash extensions

Last month I blogged about my first eyelash extension experience. The extensions certainly made my eyes pop once I had done my make-up.
Following the procedure, I was unsure if I liked having eyelash extensions. I was advised that refills would be due in three weeks time (this Saturday) as the extensions would fall out with my natural eyelashes and by then, it would look patchy.
I decided that I would give it a go, get the refills done and make the call if they are for me or not.
I realized that I can't do it and that eyelash extensions are not for me. How did i come to that conclusion you may wonder, well let me explain. On a handful of occasions I experienced the most intense pain in my eyes. I'm talking about the type of pain you get when you have something in your eye. On those occasions, my eyes would start watering, naturally what your eye would do. I would rub my eyes hoping the pain and watering would stop. Nope, no chance. My eye would continue to leak. Upon closer inspection in the ladies room or in my bathroom at home, I would see that the eyelash is kinda hanging off my natural eyelash and would come inwards, into my eye. I couldn't pull it out, trust me I had my tweezers in one hand trying. It was too painful. Some how I would bend the eyelash back outwards, mind you the eyelash still looked like it was hanging off. Two things I was grateful for at the time. 1) I wasn't wearing mascara as
recommended, luckily as I would of been sporting that panda look and 2) I wasn't in any meetings at the time. It would be incredibly embarrassing if I were to chair a meeting AND deal with a leaky eye.
Today's outfit.

Portmans silk dress, Zimmermanm leather belt, Cotton On three quarter leggings and Tony Bianco peep toe wedges.
Today's outfit is pretty safe and I usually like to wear predominantly black outfits.

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